niste ganduri de mine...mai triste

alege`ti singur calea si nu te lasa jucat in picioare...


19 Apr 2008
I wish i could jump...Away from this worldMy life is like a dump...Thats why i feel so cold.The truth is never there...Thats why in darkness i stareMy pain will always be...I wish someone can seeMy heart is in pain...I want to get awayBut all is in vain,There must be a way...What have you done to me?The sun hurts my eyes,My own darkness cryesWhy could it not be?

Alete insemnari din blog

I feel the breeze...I think of you,I want you here...I hope you too.Another one on the list...Another scarr for my soul...I`m getting closer...To achieve my goal.Where did it go???My sanity...I cant feel it no more...My insanity.I cant find it,It ran away from me,I will find it...And then i will

Never again i shall loveNever again i shall fallIs there someone above...Who can hear my call???Girls...bitches...Wounds...stitches...So you see my love...It`s sent from up..above...I can fake a smile...Just for a while...But then i cry...I ask you...why???You`ve hurt meI bleed...You`ve killed

De ce nu am nici o cand gandesc ma doare?De ce sunt mereu sunt ranit?De ce am ajuns asa...oare este vina ta?De ce cand cad si ma simt tot mai mic?De ce trebuie sa accept...dar nu pot sa ma indrept?De ce sunt nu ajutat?De ce nu ma mintea

Tears of bloodShall haunt my soulRivers of bloodWill be my goal...The darkness of my soul...Shall rule the world.You can see it in my eyes,Everyone dies....My own ghosts...Shall scarr my face...They are my hosts...They`re hard to

la sangele care`mi curge prin oasele distruse de muschii obositi si stomacul scarbit de inima franta de prea multe ochii orbiti de creierul supraalimentat cu plamani satui de atata aer
