blood and chocolate

zambeste iar si priveste putin:orice pahar jumatate gol mereu e si jumatate plin


04 Iun 2009
My eyes love youMy heart loves youAnd my arms embrace youWhat is it?What does it mean when all my talk is about youWhat does it mean when Im living and not seeing except your pictureAnd my voice love, doesnt say except your nameWhat does it mean when all my talk is about youWhat does it mean when Im living and not seeing except your pictureAnd my voice love, doesnt say except your nameAhhhhMy eyes love youMy heart loves youAnd my arms embrace youWhat is it?Missing you and you're with meMissing you when you're far from meLove just tell me, What is it?What does it mean when wherever I go I see you next to me,What does it mean that your love is taking my heart, my soul and my mindAnd I never find myself unless you're in my armsWhat does it mean when wherever I go I see you next to me,What does it mean that your love is taking my heart, my soul and my mindAnd I never find myself unless you're in my armsWhat does it mean when all my talk is about youWhat does it mean when Im living and not seeing except your pictureAnd my voice love, doesnt say except your nameWhat does it mean when wherever I go I see you next to me,What does it mean that your love is taking my heart, my soul and my mindAnd I never find myself unless you're in my arms

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Cateodata vorbele nespuse inseamna atat de mult;Nu ar trebui sa doara Dar

mai bine invata cum sa te porti,caci odata ce o fata buna devine rea,devine pt

De vrei sa stii cum pot trai fara de tine,De vrei sa stii ce rost mai are viata mea,Pot sa-ti raspund ca ma descurc destul de bine,Si am uitat tot ce ieri nu puteam

Fiecare are un vis, are un nume si-o poveste de scris.Are o viata de-nduratO secunda si s-a terminatDaca simti ca esti pierdutDaca vezi ca nu mai potiSi nu mai ai pe nimeniAm sa stau sa te ascultSi-am sa-ti spun ca ma ai pe

if i would tell you how much you mean to me,i think you would not understand it,so i'll wait until this day comes when you will understand it.but i can't help myself,i can't stop myself,i'm going crazy,cannot control myself,i'm going crazy and i love you,i want you,i wanna talk
